Monday, May 4, 2015

Bug Season

Well it's that time of year again.  Bug season is upon us.

I love the warm weather but with it comes those pesky little demons, they are everywhere!

I absolutely hate going outside and getting eatten up by mosquitoes and other annoying bugs so I decided to try using my essential oils to help keep them away.

You to can be bug free with this simple recipe. Just combine all of the ingredeints and spray as much or little as you like on yourself and your loved ones before departing outside.

Bugs hate peppermint oil and will avoid it at all costs.  Especially spiders, which are one of my biggest phobias.  Don't judge me.  So you can also spray this concoction around your doors and windows to prevent them from entering the house.

I hope this homemade bug be gone works for you.  It is an alternative to all of those chemical infused bug sprays that you buy at the stores.

Enjoy your bug free outing!