Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sunburn Relief

Here is something easy to make and all the ingredients can be bought at the grocery store.  Cucumber helps cool the skin off while rose water helps calm the skin. If you can't find rose water substitute Coconut water. Most local stores now carry coconut water so that may be easier to find.  Remember to blend all ingredients in a blender and then apply to the skin.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Foot Soak Recipe for Summertime Toes!

I like to use this recipe in the summer time for obvious reasons.  I also like to add a small amount of baby oil to help moisturize my feet.  Just add all the ingredients listed above in a glass jar and shake to mix.  Get a bowl or small bucket and fill it with warm water.  Add a small amount of the foot soak to the warm water, I use about a 1/4 cup of the foot soak to about a gallon of water.  But more or less if you chose.  Let feet soak for at least 10 minutes.  After your feet are done soaking pat them dry with a towel and apply moisturizer and then put on socks to help the moisturizer get deep in your skin.  I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Making Your Own Spa Day At Home

Making Your Own Spa Day At Home

I have always wanted to so go to a spa and be pampered all day and just relax.  But I can't afford to do that so I make my own spa day at home.  I start with taking a relaxing detox bath.  All you need for your detox bath is some Epsom salt, essential oils and if you like dried flowers and herbs.  I like adding dried lavender and lavender essential oils to help me relax.  Fill your bathtub with HOT water, make sure you can stand the temperature, the hotter the better to help draw out toxins in your body.  Then add the Epsom salt and essential oils and dried flowers.  Soak in the tub for at least 15 mins.  I try to stay in longer but whatever you can stand is fine.  

Next after you get out of the tub dry off and apply essential oil infused baby oil or vitamin E oil.  I like to do a combination of the two or if you have any other carrier oils you prefer that is fine also.  Sometimes I use olive oil or grape seed oil.  Like I said any carrier oil you prefer is fine.  I add just a few drops of essential oil to about a 1/4 cup of carrier oil.  Massage this into your skin for ultimate hydration. 

After that I like to apply a face mask to help hydrate my skin on my face so I don't get wrinkles and flaky skin.  I like to use a recipe I found online that combines 1 banana, a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice.  Just mash the banana and mix in the honey and lemon juice.  Apply to your face and let sit for 10 minutes or so.  The banana is full of vitamin A and potassium which helps moisturize the skin, honey retains moisture and the lemon juice is a skin brighter which is great for me because I am starting to get dark spots,  it also is a natural antibacterial agent that helps kill those germs that cause acne and blackheads.  

I try to do this once a week but sometimes that doesn't happen.  I always feel so much better and so relaxed after.  I hope that you can also create this experience for yourself at home and if you have any questions just email me.